

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rules and Guidelines

Affilates and sponsors should keep this in mind!
The motto of Magical Daze Productions is this:
~~~We want everyone to feel cute, confident, pretty, and powerful~ magical in every way~~~

When representing the store, please keep this motto in mind, as each core word is something you should portray and feel. The basic rules follow the core words pretty simply-

Feel cute- Being cute means acting in a sweet and endearing way. Relatively clean language, manners and kind words make for a cute personality.
      Please respect others.
Feel confident- Being confident means knowing your worth and appreciating yourself. You are wonderful. Don't ever wear anything or do anything for others. People come and go, but you are stuck with yourself until the day you die, so get along with yourself.
      Please respect yourself
Feel pretty- Being pretty means you are putting your very best self forward. Clothes are your armor, makeup is your warpaint. Wear the colors you want, paint yourself as beautiful as you can.  It does not matter if your jeans are size 2 or 16, if you are a boy or a girl. You must take care of yourself and your health. This means paying attention to your emotional, mental and physical health.                
      Please respect your body.
Feel powerful- Being powerful means having emotional and mental strength. Sometimes life can be a battle- but that doesn't mean you should stop fighting. Get through every tough moment. There is no need to lash out, or give up.  The world turns out to be wonderful with just a little perspective.
       Please respect the world around you

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