

Monday, April 14, 2014


Dear Readers,
          What does hella even mean???? My friends online have been using it for a while but I don't really understand what it's there for. The word, I mean. Of course, I could always go on urban dictionary and search it up, but I digress.
          Also, I'm forgoing thesparkly peppy tone today. Imma be a bit more casual, more "me". After all, this is my blog. So let's get real for a bit, mmkay?

Just to be clear thats ginger ale. I'm underage, yall.

         I've been sick with bronchitis recently, which means I have fluid in my lungs. It's kind of like having fluid in your ears, only not. Because there is fluid sloshing around in. Your. Lungs. So breathing is a bit difficult. Because of this, I'm behind on my store orders, my homework, and lots of other things.
         However, I have somehow managed to accumulate a lot of things to blog about, despite not actually having blogged recently. I apologize profoundly for this. At the same time, I am not sorry in the least. My audience isn't that large, honestly.
        I mean, sure, my posts of "new items in my shop!" can get a few hundred notes on tumblr, and my shop gets tons of pageviews. But honestly, that is all thanks to the work of my lovely team of sponsors. I should write about them sometime. Not today though. I have work to do today, but then again, here I am writing blog entries and not doing work. So I might write about them today but if I did that I would be further prolonging all the work I have to do which is precisely what I am doing now, honestly.

This is all just one big nervous ramble. I should really start blogging on a scheduled basis.

        News: I have published work on a teen literary site. Because, you know. I'm a teen. Did anyone know that??? I'm 19. Just putting that out there. Also, here is my writing work that got an Editors Choice Award on Teen Ink.
Eat your hearts out
     Maybe I should talk about how I'm 19' That's kind of news, I mean. I've kept my age concealed for a while. Mostly because no one would take me seriously if I mentioned I was under the age of 23. Which, by the way, is total bullshit. But it paid off. I'm pretty accomplished. I have my artwork in galleries, I run a successful small shop, I have published writing, I'm a slam poet, I get alright grades, and I'm hella pretty.

Wait hold up. I just used hella in a sentence. I guess it's kind of like saying "really" or "super" or "awesome" or something along those lines. Maybe even just a statement. You know what. Let's get back on track. I'm hella pretty, and I totes have proof. Behold, my face.
Kind of.

Also, you may notice in that last pic that I'm totally wearing one of my own shirts. Because I'm amazing, and self consumed. 

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